Sharry smith
Experienced LMT & Holistic Lifestyle Coach
Sharry Smith has a wealth of knowledge of nutrition and the effects of food on the body. This she acquired when she was in chronic pain for many years and doctors had no answer. She began to look elsewhere and discovered that her diet and lifestyle were largely to blame. She decided to make some changes and found she was becoming free of pain, lost her excess weight and gained a new enthusiasm for life. Having felt this first hand, she developed a passion to help others.
Use this area to tell your story. Talk about your failure when you first started looking for a solution. Maybe there was a conspiracy against you, a false belief, a misunderstanding.
In addition to attaining health coaching certification from the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, she is also a Licensed Massage Therapist specializing in the John Barnes Approach to Myofascial Release. She combines her bodywork with dietary and lifestyle changes to help her clients gain control of their pain and their lives.
Sharry believes sincerely that we all have the power to take charge of our health. We live in a country that allows us the freedom to make our own choices. That we have a responsibility to make full use of that freedom.
For Sharry, God is her shining light. She attributes her healing to praying and having faith in God.
A homebody, Sharry prefers to be at home working in her yard and making quilts from scraps. She enjoys music, especially reggae, and reads books on a variety of subjects. Sharry also writes poems, essays, and short stories.
Sharry truly walks the talk. She eats mostly organic food that she prepares at home. She drinks filtered water. She exercises by walking, practicing yoga, and Qi Gong. Daily prayer and meditation are a must for Sharry.
Her great body of knowledge came from personal experience. She understands how our lives can be diminished by chronic pain and illness, and she believes the answer is within ourselves.
Regain your your health!
Health coaching guides you to the diet and exercise plan that you design for yourself. I bring nutritional information and some helpful strategies to get you started.
Rising Energy
Rising Energy is Sharry's personal business. which was created for her online health coaching.
Below you will find the service that she offers and how that service can benefit you. Once you click the purchase & Schedule button you will pay for your session, then be forwarded to Sharry's scheduler.
Health Coaching Benefits:
With Sharry as your health coach, you're more likely to reach your health goals and feel accomplished. In fact, with Sharry at your side, you can expect to improve your:
*Nutritional intake
*Quality of life
*Raise your spirits
*See and feel physical health improvements
*Improve your emotional well-being
*And feel less stressed
Sharry can help you identify and address the root causes of issues by taking a whole-person approach rather than just treating symptoms. With Sharry's support, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself, build resilience, and achieve your goals. When working with Sharry, you must be willing to dedicate yourself to your health practices for at least three months. It's time to make better health habits, so let's go ALL IN!
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